By Canadian Pizza
Hamilton, Ont. – HARvEST Systems has successfully demonstrated its innovative waste heat recovery systems within the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. The company’s clean technology system, installed and commissioned at three Pizza Pizza locations, enables the restaurants to efficiently manage their energy usage, cut down on operating costs and reduce emissions.
Developed through a five-year research program at McMaster University, in partnership with Pizza Pizza Limited, the POWER (Pizza Oven Waste Energy Recovery) system is designed to repurpose waste heat from pizza ovens to offset heating needs within a restaurant and provide autonomous operations and resilience with the ability to generate electricity.
The POWER system repurposes waste heat from Pizza ovens to offset heating needs within a restaurant.
In parallel, the integrated performance measurement and data analytics provides insight into the subtle energy interactions within a commercial kitchen, thus allowing the ability to monitor system health and measure energy savings with the integration of the POWER system.
With support from NGIF and its Industry Grants program, HARvEST has been able to successfully build the first prototypes of the POWER system.
“Harvest’s POWER system can increase pizza oven’s energy efficiency and reduce operating costs for restaurants,” said Scott Dodd, director of business development, Enbridge Gas. “It is exactly the type of low-carbon solution that can help our customers make a positive impact on the environment while keeping affordability in mind.”